For the second time in the last few months this dickless fool (Maestro "Gustav" Munger) has posted a link to a "YouTube" video done by some self hating tard-o named Max Blumenthal that basically tries to portray Jews in Israel as being huge haters of that guy the liberals call President. No, I don't consider that silly twit in the White House to be my president and have no problem stating it. I highly doubt the man was even born in the United States therefore making his term as President fraudulent.
Anyhoo...Maestro Munger has this extreme hatred for Israel and although I'm not into betting this is one I would wager money on that he would take sides with some of our local "white" supremacists if he knew Israel and the Jews there could be driven into the sea.
I suggest you liberal Jews out there wake the hell up and smell the coffee. Munger and his kind are the same sort that helped march people off to the death camps not that many years ago.
You keep taking his side though and you will be finding the same fate for yourselves if he and his kind have their way. Remember history has a way of repeating it's self.