Friday, December 28, 2007

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't!

Someone over in Bethlehem (a place that is really part of Israel) is not happy with the wall that keeps out the murderers of Jewish children and grandparents. It seems to be upsetting his lifestyle or so he says.
Although! Jack Giacaman is still selling his carved, wooded crap to the tourists that are now returning to Bethlehem, especially at this time of year. They are returning because it is safer.

Gee, could that have something to do with the fact the wall is keeping the terrorists from using Bethlehem as a spot to cross over into Israel? Isn't it odd that the safer Israel might be, the safer some place like Bethlehem might be, also!

So, this year instead of the three wise men visiting the baby Jesus in a stable they are visiting him next to the "apartheid" wall as the nitwits of the world call it, carved by good ol' Jack.
Of course the news services such as McClatchy Washington Bureau makes sure they plaster this pathetic, whining fools story all over the Internet. Why would they do that?

First they say Bethlehem is seeing an upswing in people visiting than turn around and post this BS.! Now why would they do that?
Well, I know why and it's because they just can't help themselves when it comes to complaining about Jews.
If you can't find a story make one up. I've seen that done more times than I care to!

This complaint comes from a Christian and not a Muslim. What is with that? It only means one thing and that is, all these people like Jack, whether their families were converted by Muslims or Christians at some point in history are all from the same background mentally.
It doesn't matter what those people claim to profess, the Jews are going to be their whipping boy.
Even though I've never heard of a Jew taking over a church in Bethlehem and using their Bibles as toilet paper.

I'm personally tired of how these anti-Israel clowns of these religions that claim their rewards come in the afterlife should even give that much of a damn about land. Aren't you waiting for those 72 virgins or streets of gold in heaven? You push your after-life ideas down everyone's throat but can't keep your fat fingers off the Jews or their land!
You can bet if someone claimed they were owed a piece of the land that the Vatican sits on, land in Mecca or land some crackpot Unitarian Bible Camp sits on there would be such a cry to the heavens it would be heard around the world.
But the Jews? Well....humph! They just need to sit down, shut up and take a couple thousand more years of pogroms, death camps and general all around abuse.
Just too amazing isn't it?

I really liked how this blogger expressed poor old Jack's complaint on their site.

"Tis the season for glad tidings...Unless you're a deranged Jew-bashing woodcarver in Bethlehem."

There shouldn't be a need for this wall, there shouldn't be jerks like Jack Giacaman even allowed in Israel and Bethlehem, whether you want to admit it or not, is part of Israel.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Shaun Walker ex-chairman of National Alliance goes to prison.

"Shaun A. Walker, the group's national chairman, was ordered to spend 87 months behind bars and Eric G. Egbert, an associate, was given a 42-month term. "

Ain't that just a sad state of affairs for these two fellas? Yeah, right!
Maybe this will give them some time to work on their problems with alcohol and whatever drugs they like to ingest on a daily basis.

For a group of people who claim they want to be left alone, "white supremacists" I mean "white nationalists" (MY BAD........BFEG) sure go out of their way to get into people's faces. Shaunie boy if you had just drank your booze and went home to sleep it off you wouldn't be looking at the possible chance of being someone's bitch!

Don't bend over in the shower boys!

You can read the stories here: Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret Morning News

Monday, July 30, 2007

Carl wants you to protest even if the accused is a Jew?

Carl writes:
"One other blogger was sufficiently incensed to post a suggested course of action for those who are equally outraged. The editor of the Halal-Pig blog provides a recommended course of action to protest the arrest of Shmulevich (Note: If you're reluctant to protest because Shmulevich is a Jew, at least consider protesting to object to the statutory enforcement of political correctness):"

Yes folks! The same Carl Loerbs I posted about in June of 2006 with the Jewish granny and Jewish auntie. Carl, Carl, Carl where is your rant about this guy who flushed the Koran down the toilet!?
Don't you see the irony of you not taking the argument that all the perp is doing is creating more problems for fat "white" guys on myspace. Who also have their profiles on dating sites when they are supposed to be married! So much for those "white" morals, huh?

Whoops! Got a little distracted there and got off topic!

So Carl is telling people to protest this as opposed to jumping up and down screaming about the trouble making Jew. I'm a bit confused, considering it's coming from Carl I shouldn't be!

Friday, July 20, 2007

You don't say Senator Byrd!

Ah, yes!
they would pay dearly for such cruelty. If they do it to an animal they have no problem doing it
Senator Byrd is pissed off to the max over a football player who seems to be mixed up in illegal dog fighting.

I don't like the bastards that do things like this either, they are evil people! If I had my way to a human and that is a fact!

What amuses me is the history of Senator Byrd and the KKK. I wonder if he believes a hot spot in hell is saved for some of his ex-buddies (?) there?

I doubt we will hear much about that from the old Senator but I'm not surprised! Are you?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I was perusing some of the local Jew haters sites just a few minutes ago and came across something so telling I had to post it.

It seems Carl Loerbs of Alaska Pride blog had been doing his own perusing of another Jew haters blog, Anti-Semite Sam.

In the comment section of Sammy's blog Carl Loerbs makes such a telling remark I had to repost it here. It pretty much proves that these ass holes will go out of their way to make things up just to accuse the Jews of it.



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Anchorage Activist said...
Glad to see you've joined the blogosphere - been meaning to stop by and leave my thoughts.Joodaft, the object of your attention, clearly epitomizes the characteristics of Jews that you've described. If she didn't exist, we would have to invent her. Those who don't understand the problem of Jewish supremacism need only read her comments on various pro-white sites to recognize her duplicity and her fanaticism. She's so obsessed with us she hasn't even posted on her junk blog since December 12th.As a matter of fact, Joodaft has more in common with Jim Ramm of the NSM than with any local Jews. You've probably noticed on VNN Forum that when Jim Ramm interacts will Bill White, he doesn't discuss national socialism, but instead relentlessly attacks White's character. Joodaft is the same way. She attacks character rather than employs reason.Look forward to seeing more of your posts!
March 3, 2007 12:42 PM


So, they would have to make me up if I didn't exist? That pretty much proves my point that anything they use as so called ammo to accuse the Jews or anything and everything is made up.
Why would they have to do this? Well, it's pretty simple really, people like Carl Loerbs hasn't figured out why his life has always been useless.

And the remark about having more in common with some fat white guy fighting with another fight white guy than I do any local Jew means what?

The problem with the two fat white guys, White and Ramm, is they both want to be boss. That is a really big problem with these fat white guys. They all want to run the show, they all want to sit on their ass and give orders. They all want the seat at the head of the fat white guy table.

That isn't my problem. I don't want nor do I require that feeling of having to run the show.
No man or woman for that matter runs the show. G-d runs the show. I just work with what He hands me and go from there. No matter if it's a "junk blog" or some other item to fight the hate.

As for the notion my blog is junk....hell's bells Carl! At least the local newspaper didn't have to get on my ass over cutting and pasting from their website! Like all the other cut and paste crap you do.

At least my blog consists of what I think and not what I can cut and paste.

By the way, I'm quite honored to be compared to Queen Esther! Thanks still have to answer to my G-d though. Maybe not today but soon enough......


Anti-Semite Sam said...
Thanks for the comment and it is so true.... Joodaft is as rabid as they come. She is the modern day version of Esther.... "Lets kill all they Gentiles" type. She's fun to play with but there in lies the problem. While fun to play with, like a snake, she still has fangs (of a sort) and will bite. Just like other Joo's for that matter. We must know our enemies.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

"Let me be struck dumb"

...Then she blurted helplessy, "I'm not Jewish! Or my children--they're not Jewish either." And added, "They are racially pure. They speak German." Finally she announced, "I'm a Christian. I'm a devout Catholic." ........

........She sensed from his manner, his gaze--the new look in his eye of luminous intensity--that everything she was saying, far from helping her, from protecting her, was leading somehow to her swift undoing. She thought: Let me be struck dumb. .....

This is from the book, "Sophie's Choice" written by William Styron, where the Nazi Doktor tells Sophie she must give up one of her children.

I believe it is a quote that should be put on one of those little laminated cards and carried by every Jew that lives. Especially those who believe that by distancing themselves from other Jews, who are being targeted in one way or another, will make them in some way more invisible or at least liked. Whether it's a Jew such as Adam Shapiro with his anti-Israel "International Solidarity Movement", Israel Shamir and his anti-Zionist rants or a few in the local Jewish community here in Anchorage just recently.

"Let me be struck dumb." Has there ever been a time in your life that thought or at least something like it has entered your mind, mostly after the first few stupid words came rolling out of your mouth? Just the idea that it's better to stop while you are ahead of the game?
It's an idea that would have worked well for some Jews who found it necessary to beat their drum by writing letters or articles printed in the Anchorage Daily News just recently concerning a local land swap between the Anchorage Municipality and the Lubavitch Congregation.

Am I suggesting they have no right to speak up? Do I believe if one Jew doesn't agree with another they have no right to voice their opinions? Not in the least bit! I do believe there are times announcing your disagreement on the basis that "I am a Jew" therefore suggesting your argument is the safe and correct one seems some how twisted and sad. Not to mention you sound like a Jewish suck up to those who don't give a rat's behind who or what you are. At least not at that moment. More on that later though.......

What is this land swap argument about you say? Well, it's like this, the Lubavitch have been raising money for some time now to build a Jewish museum and a Synagogue here in town. The space they occupy at this moment is very limited and after years of being in Alaska they decided it was time to expand. Why not?
The Reform did the same thing not that many years ago and no one argued against where they built.
So the ideal place was decided on, no one seemed to mind and an offer was made. It was land next to where the Lubavitch had built a Mikvah, something the Jewish Community was lacking for a number of years. Sounds like a sensible plan to me!

Well it was until a few so called concerned citizens stuck their finger into the pot and started screaming about "parkland", drainage, crime, traffic jams and separation of church and state.

The first argument of course is parkland.Now to understand how insane this argument is a person must consider the geographics of Alaska. We are the largest state in the USA (sorry Texas) and our population as of the 2005 Census is 663,661. As a matter of fact Alaska land mass is just about the same size of the continuous 48 states from sea to shining sea. So the problem isn't plenty of parkland or wilderness area to roam and explore. It's not the problem of children having to play in the streets or never see wild creatures. We have them roaming around our neighborhoods, something a number of "concerned" parents are always screeching about, we don't want little Suzy or Johnny getting stepped on by a moose or heaven forbid stepping in goose poop. As a matter of fact Anchorage and surrounding areas are notorious for spending hefty sums on bike/ski trails, playgrounds and such to help keep the area from becoming wall to wall cement and black top.

As for these so called drainage problems, we have them every year at what we call "break-up" the rest of the country refers to it as springtime.
Face it most places here in Anchorage are built on land that is made up of less then perfect ground. It snows, the snow doesn't melt like in some places so by springtime it's a pretty messy, muddy, mucky place. One more building isn't going to cause the next great flood and if a person's basement or crawl space here in town floods you should have checked into that before you bought or built on that ground or at least invest in a better sump pump. Stop whining though because it's just annoying!

Next we have the awful crime rate that comes with building a synagogue and museum! Crime? Are they worried someone will go berserk and start pelting people with matzoh balls? Maybe the local Jew haters will start circling the neighborhood burning down buildings? In that case why aren't these closed mouthed, concerned citizens speaking up about those fears now? Crime? Please explain the crimes that would have come with this project!

Oh and don't forget the major traffic jams that was coming after this project was complete! Traffic jams? Has anyone ever seen a traffic jam at a Lubavitch Synagogue on Shabbat? Even for the amount of businesses that sit around this area including hospitals, hotels, medical offices and the University of Alaska the traffic coming off on to this street from the Lubavitch is never going to cause extreme traffic problems.
The only problem in this town when it comes to traffic is the huge number of people who just plain can't drive!

Last but not least is the rant over Separation of Church and State, that bogus argument used constantly by the mostly anti-religion crowd. Yes, the ACLU is going to sue if the Lubavitch would get a grant to help finance the museum! Give me a break! Help close down some child molesting or racists groups on the Internet and do some good for a change, ACLU!
So the argument over some local parkland in exchange for land to build an Alaska Jewish Museum and Synagogue is about the most underhanded piece of work as I have ever seen in the last 24 years I've lived in this state! The so called concerned citizens did a good job shutting it down though and those that voiced their opinions and had to throw in their "Jewishness" did what to distance themselves from the Lubavitch? You are still Jews and no matter what, those that hate you will never see any difference between you and the Lubavitch. So what good did you do?

Did you appease this man, Carl Loerbs and his local Jew hating friends?

Did Beate Frankel Zinck? "The writer of this opinion piece is Jewish."

Did Marla Greenstein? "Most people in Anchorage do not realize that we have more than one synagogue and more than one rabbi here."

Did Michael Bleicher? "Bleicher identified himself as a Jew while stating his objection to the project."

Did any of the Jews who were so concerned about distancing themselves from the Lubavitch appease anyone or score points. I highly doubt it and maybe next time someone like Carl Loerbs runs for School Board or the Anchorage Assembly you can support him in his endeavors.

Although he might want to march you off to some canyon like a scene from a book he is always quoting from called "The Turner Diaries" and the ";Day of the Rope" BUT at least you will have distanced yourself from those Jews that are being attacked else where!

Did lambasting and distancing yourself from the Lubavitch stop Carl Loerbs' kind from lumping all Jews together?
No, you just made yourself look like the Adam Shapiros and Israel Shamirs of the world that figure if they attack other Jews it will keep them on some terrorist's, racist's or just plain Jew haters good side. Yeah, that is the side I want to be on! NOT!

So you need to re-think your ideas next time and hopefully be struck dumb!